I often have patients asking if Bristol Osteopaths can treat Tennis Elbow. The answer is yes, although most patients that I see with Tennis Elbow don't actually play tennis.
What is Tennis Elbow?
It is inflammation of the tendons that attach to the outer part of the elbow, or to be technically accurate a tendinopathy of the extensor muscles of the forearms.
Tennis players commonly suffer from this (the backhand muscles) but it also presents in desk workers and those that use these muscles repetitively.
As an Osteopath in Bristol, patients attending my Henleaze clinic complain of the condition being very painful and very disruptive in day-to-day tasks such as gripping objects.
Even holding a kettle can become difficult and uncomfortable.
What causes Tennis Elbow?
Overuse and the repeated strain of these elbow tendons most commonly cause tennis elbow. Most commonly I see this as a result of prolonged computer use.
This is particularly the case with those that have poor desk setups resulting in poor posture and suboptimal ergonomic workplace.
Why? Poor sitting posture and prolonged sitting bring about increased strain on the back neck, shoulders and arms.
Coupled with prolonged use of a computer mouse, tension increases in the forearm muscles leading to adverse strain on the tendon attachment points, particularly the tendons on the outer side of the elbow.
How do I manage Tennis Elbow?
An experienced Osteopath in Bristol will provide treatment of the forearm and elbow tendons to provide a good healing platform for repair.
Osteopaths can also implement soft tissue release treatment. An Osteopath in Bristol treating Tennis Elbow will also look at more distant parts of the body that might be driving the issue.
Bristol Osteopaths will assess the whole arm, wrist, shoulder, neck and back to establish if there are any underlying functional issues.
Anti-inflammatory creams or Arnica cream applied locally can help to reduce inflammation in the tendons. Applying ice to an acute episode can also be helpful.
Does sitting posture cause Tennis Elbow?
Spinal function and posture are often big drivers in conditions such as Elbow Tendinopathy.
I will always look at the back and neck function in patients suffering from Tennis Elbow. Regularly I will find spinal issues that cause problems in the arm.
Posture is often a significant factor in elbow issues for desk workers in Bristol. Poor sitting posture will create tension and poor function in the spine, shoulders and down arms.
Coupled with intense mouse use, the result is often tendinopathy at the elbow.
Improving posture and desk ergonomics is vital in preventing and resolving these problems. Visit here to find out more about ergonomic seating.
Our bodies are designed to move regularly.
Sitting at a desk for too long, in a poor sitting position, creates additional tension and strain. I recommend regular Micro Breaks.
Tennis Elbow is often a chronic condition that has built up over time.
Reducing or taking away the irritating factors will speed up recovery.
For tennis players, this might mean a period of rest. For desk workers, it could mean modifying and improving their work and desk set-up.
How will a Bristol Osteopath treat Tennis Elbow?
Treatment for Tennis Elbow by a Bristol Osteopath will help:
Reduce inflammation
Ensure posture, desk & ergonomic set-up are optimal
Take regular micro-breaks for recovery to take place
Read this article I wrote about how to combat poor posture.
To find out more about the full range of osteopathic treatments provided at Alex Prince Osteopathy in Bristol, please visit here for details.